Conference Policies

HopMUNC is committed to creating a safe space for people of all cultural and religious backgrounds. As much, discrimination or harassment of any form on the basis of race, religion, ethnicity, color, language, or national origin is strictly prohibited. Likewise, there will be zero tolerance for discrimination based on personal characteristics such as disabilities, age, sex, sexual orientation, physical appearance, or income. 

Violations of this policy include adding inappropriate content in notes or committee documents, behaving inappropriately towards other delegates during the conference, physically assaulting another delegate, cyberbullying, or sending inappropriate messages to other delegates via social media or other messaging platforms. Violation of any of these policies is grounds for immediate dismissal and disqualification from the conference. Sexual misconduct including sexual assault or sexual harassment of any kind may also warrant the involvement of law enforcement.
Plagiarism and pre-writing are both strictly prohibited throughout the duration of the conference. Stealing the clauses of other delegates, using AI technology to write clauses, using clauses, speeches, or notes written prior to the start of the conference, writing outside of committee after the chair has declared that there should be no additional work out of the session, or copying content from websites or other academic sources is not allowed. 

In the case that an allegation of a violation is brought to the attention of the executives, HopMUNC staff reserves the right to search laptops, notebooks, binder, and other forms of electronics. Delegates found guilty of an allegation will be immediately disqualified from the conference.
Delegates participating in the conference must consent to adhering to the following policies: 
  1. The use of phones and other electronics is prohibited in committee with the exception of tasks permitted by the chair such as typing resolutions during unmoderated caucuses is prohibited. If a delegate needs to use their phone for emergency purposes they may step out of the room to do so.
  2. The use of any form of social media within any of the committee sessions is prohibited.
  3. Delegates participating in the conference consent to being photographed and filmed by conference staff during committee sessions and conference programming. If you require an exception to this policy you may email the executive staff at [email protected] with your full name and committee.
  4. All delegates must be dressed in western business attire while in committee. If a delegate requires an exception to this rule they can email the executive staff at [email protected]. Delegates who cannot afford to purchase western business attire or cannot obtain it will not be penalized in any way as long as the executive staff is notified prior to the start of the conference.
  5. Delegates are expected to behave appropriately during the conference. This includes avoiding excessive noise while on SAIS grounds and behaving appropriately towards other delegates, SAIS staff, conference staff, and SAIS students.
  6. Delegates should be on-time for each committee session and present. A delegate is considered late if they walk into committee after their name has already been called during roll-call and they have failed to respond. If a delegate has an emergency or event preventing them from arriving at committee such as travel delays or religious obligations then they can notify their chair and will not be penalized.
  7. Conference name tags must be worn by delegates at all times during the conference.
  8. Delegates are not permitted to possess or use any illegal substances such as marajuana or alcohol for minors. The consumption of alcohol in public spaces or while attending any conference events is prohibited. The use of tobacco products is prohibited while in the SAIS building. 
  9. Delegation must act in accordance to all DC laws and regulations for the duration of the conference.
Delegates found in violation of any of these policies may be penalized for awards, suspended from committee, or dismissed from the conference at the discretion of the executive staff.

In any instance of conference policy violation, please use the following form to report: 
Conference Reporting Form